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Connect to an authentic community within the body of Christ.



The best environment for life transformation in Christ is one of both truth and love. We want every person to be deeply engaged in relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ. This builds community and opportunities to care for one another as we grow closer to Christ.


In the Book of Acts, there was tremendous growth of the first church in Jerusalem because small groups laid the foundation. Our desire is for groups to always be inviting and foster authentic and life-giving discussions for personal discipleship and spiritual growth


Join a Cluster at Harvest today and deepen your connection with the Lord through meaningful community!​


“so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.” - Romans 12:5


What are the expectations of Cluster members?

Here are 5 areas of active pursuit by each Cluster member:






1. Glorify: Worship God in healthy Christian small groups.


2. Gather: Connect in relationally deep and authentic environments where members are loved, served, supported, and cared for.


3. Grow: Experience God’s transformative power through His Word.


4. Give: Actively engage in the life of the church corporately and in a Cluster with efforts to be a contributor and not simply a consumer.


5. Go: Live missionally as a group to represent Jesus to everyone, everywhere.


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